Monday, September 6, 2010

Chaos, Territory, Art. Deleuze & the Framing of the Earth- Elizabeth Grosz& Challenging the Literal

Chaos, Territory, Art Deleuze & the Framing of the Earth is about the study of Ontology. Grosz expresses her thoughts along with the theories of Deleuze. Ontology is the study of nature, existence, & reality & how these existences relate to all arts. Deleuze believes that art does "not produce concepts, though it does address problems & provocations. [Art] produces sensations, affects, intensities as its mode of addressing problems." Grozs expresses that art & philosophy go hand in hand. Philosophy is the sibling of art and its various practices. Philosophy is the force & power behind art. Grozs states that all the materials in art generate & intensify sensations. Viewing these materials in art affects the nervous system triggering emotion making the viewer joyful or sad. My favorite quote from this eassay is: "Painting ever more deeply materializes the body while music spiritualizes it, this is because, through the various arts, the body is, or a moment at least, directly touch by the forces of chaos from which it so carefully shields itself in habit..." Philosophy & art share chaos, & their "capacity to ride the waves of a vibratory universe without direction or purpose."

  • Do we produce art for a purpose?
  • As artists, do we "create" to find chaos?
  • Do we produce art in search of the unknown of our subconcious?

Challenging the Literal

In this chaper, Dave Hickey breaks down the veriations of semiotics: The sign process, sign signification, and sign communication through language & art. Hickey expresses that: "While metaphors may require an imaginative leap in their initial use (such as in aesthetic uses in poetry or the visual arts) many metaphors become so habitually employed that they are no longer perceived as being metaphors at all." Their are three concepts of metaphor: Orientational: metaphors primarily relating to spatial organization, Ontological: Metaphors which associate activities, emotions, and ideas with entities and substances, and Structural: metaphors overarching, which allow us to structure one concept in terms of another. I believe that the paintings that I produce fit in the catagory of ontological metaphors.

  • Is it important to use metaphor in artwork?
  • How does irony affect artwork?
  • How do I recognize something that is literal vs. metaphorical

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